Sunday, May 27, 2007

Shanghai'd again

Galley Slave had come to shore to pickup victuals, supplies and other bits demanded by the Winch Wench. While nibbling at a bid of smoked fish at the eatery, Galley Slave was Shanghai'd by none other than the Captain of the s/v Cat's Paw!

A sneak attack it was, and in broad daylight. The Captain took Galley Slave with his arm behind his back and marched him out to Cat's Paw to assist him with his guests and to be his crew.

Also taken in this sneak attack was the Captain of Breathless, made to do a poor man's work at the behest of the Cat's Paw.

You see, Cat's Paw had special cargo this day!
Four visiting guests from far away Universe of Columbia! Surely a grand place, but located in the dirty, nasty city. So unlike the grander Universe of Llenroc, located in pristine countrysides with its hills and dales and rivers and waterfalls....but I digress......

There they were, the four dignitaries from the Universe of Columbia! Great and Majestic were the Ladies. And surely a Knight was the man.

Galley Slave and Captain Breathless worked tirelessly for the Tyrant Captain of Cat's Paw. T'is a grand vessel, but much work she requires to be made ready for sea! Pull the canvas, reveal the winches and eisenglass. Yank upon the lines to hoist the sails, main and jib! Away the pin and be ye damned if you don't remember to pull it back upon the starboard bow!
A glorious sail, it was! Winds came from the north and then the east! A fast, stable passage was made to Big Tom Rock. A quick trip to City Island, then beating a return to Great Neck Point! When the winds died, the Kind Captain of Cat's Paw allowed the use of the Iron Main. He threatened to have Galley Slave take the stern of the boat and kick with his might to drive the boat to the moor, and he threatened to have Captain Breathless take the tow rope in his teeth to swim and pull Cat's Paw to the moor, but these were mere idle threats

Again, fast passage was made on the Iron Main.
To the moor without haste was the cry from the bridge!
And Captain Breathless, fearful of the lash, remembered to take the moor upon the starboard side! And both he and Galley Slave worked tirelessly to refit Cat's Paw to ship shape and ready for journey's end as canvas was laid to the glass, sails were tied and all made fast.

And Tyrant Captain of Cat's Paw kept his reputation, as not a bit of grog was passed among the crew! Water and soda were drinks of the day!

Yet me thinks the Tyrant Captain is no such Tyrant, as nary a yell or a holler was heard that day!

At the end of journey, all shanghai'd crew were allowed to leave and take respite upon the land.
The Captain's Guest made their way back to the city and Universe of Columbia. Hopefully, all will fare well and return to sail again upon s/v Cat's Paw!

And that is the end of this tale....

May 26, 2007 - a little time away

Both Winch Wench and Galley Slave put in a good days work on this day! As a bit of a reward, Admiral Roxie permitted them a dip in the pool, usually reserved for visiting dignitaries. Oh, what a feeling! Cool water...... The kiddie side of the pool was much warmer (hmmmm?).

When Winch Wench and Galley Slave had completed their time in the pool, they were permitted victuals at the shoreside eatery prior to returning to the Paradox III.

Galley Slave fell to the usual routine, while Winch Wench busied herself in the Admiral's Cabin. When work was done, they hailed the launch to make for home. Unfortunately, the KYC launch was assisting the crew of a neighboring launch. It seems the neighboring launch neglected to secure their propellor when the boat was put to the water! ;)

T'was nearly a full watch before the Winch Wench and Galley Slave were permitted to return to the good dry earth.

No pictures today, t'was a working day!

Sunday, May 20, 2007

May 20, 2007 Family Sail

The Winch Wench and the Galley Slave spent a good morning out in the local town. They shanghai'd a scurvy crew for the Paradox III's afternoon sail!

The day started with a bite to eat at the shack on land before the new crew was brought beore the mast.

T'was a glorious day on the water for Honarary First Mate Rachel and Assistant First Mate Becky! They took turns staring out onto the water, yet retired early to test out the crews quarters. Asst First Mate Becky was not happy with one bunk, but tried them all! She rolled from bunk to bunk to make sure that not one was untouched! First Mate Rachel offered to steer, but later agreed to a well deserved nap after her watch was over!

Whilst the mates were asleep, crewmembers Holly and David assisted the usual crew with lookout positions in the mast. Crewman David even volunteer to bring in the lines at the end of the sail when the Winch Wench went forward with the gaff.

Crewman Margie was aboard and did her share to make certain that proper nautical terms were used through the day. Port and starboard were the cries from Margie! You have to learn the nautical terms if you hope to be a true seaman. Margie showed her prowess as she scampered up and down the companionway after her formal tour of the crews quarters.

Crew Nat and Linda were also aboard. Nat took charge of photographing the voyage for posterity. Crewman Linda was truely a joy to have aboard. She requested nourishment and water for the crew. She did not even request her portion of grog until she reached land at the end of day! Not a cry was heard from crew Linda when the boat heeled to 20degrees, nor any threat upon the person of the Galley Slave who was at the helm at the time! Oh, the good old days when the crew knew from a good lashing at the helm if the boat left level!!!

The crew was released from service and surrendered to the launch in time for crewman Margie to make her shuttle back to Boston! First Mate Rachel and Assistance First Mate Becky were assisted to the launch by crew Holly and David. They were held aloft on the launch so they could bid farewell to the good ship Paradox III as they rode away!

Shoreside, the scurvy crew chowed down on graham crackers, pretzels and leftover food unfit for the scurvy bunch they were. Rations of grog were consumed and a good time was had by all!

Fair weather and fair winds were had. 15kts gusting to 25kts out of the southeast, with hardly a cloud in the sky. At end of day, storm clouds moved in a a hint of rain was seen

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Book One, Chapter One, Page One

This is the first entry into a sea-going Blog of the sailing vessel Paradox III, humbly submitted by none other than the ships own Galley Slave.
Paradox III was launched April 1, 2007 in Huntington, New York at the southern end of Huntington Harbor.
Maiden voyage included the shakedown crew of Galley Slave, Winch Wench and Kevin Coneys. It was a glorious day! Cold and damp, but plenty of wind to fill the sails!