Galley Slave had come to shore to pickup victuals, supplies and other bits demanded by the Winch Wench. While nibbling at a bid of smoked fish at the eatery, Galley Slave was Shanghai'd by none other than the Captain of the s/v Cat's Paw!

Also taken in this sneak attack was the Captain of Breathless, made to do a poor man's work at the behest of the Cat's Paw.
You see, Cat's Paw had special cargo this day!
Four visiting guests from far away Universe of Columbia! Surely a grand place, but located in the dirty, nasty city. So unlike the grander Universe of Llenroc, located in pristine countrysides with its hills and dales and rivers and waterfalls....but I digress......

There they were, the four dignitaries from the Universe of Columbia! Great and Majestic were the Ladies. And surely a Knight was the man.
Galley Slave and Captain Breathless worked tirelessly for the Tyrant Captain of Cat's Paw. T'is a grand vessel, but much work she requires to be made ready for sea! Pull the canvas, reveal the winches and eisenglass. Yank upon the lines to hoist the sails, main and jib! Away the pin and be ye damned if you don't remember to pull it back upon the starboard bow!
A glorious sail, it was! Winds came from the north and then the east! A fast, stable passage was made to Big Tom Rock. A quick trip to City Island, then beating a return to Great Neck Point! When the winds died, the Kind Captain of Cat's Paw allowed the use of the Iron Main. He threatened to have Galley Slave take the stern of the boat and kick with his might to drive the boat to the moor, and he threatened to have Captain Breathless take the tow rope in his teeth to swim and pull Cat's Paw to the moor, but these were mere idle threats
Again, fast passage was made on the Iron Main.
To the moor without haste was the cry from the bridge!
And Captain Breathless, fearful of the lash, remembered to take the moor upon the starboard side! And both he and Galley Slave worked tirelessly to refit Cat's Paw to ship shape and ready for journey's end as canvas was laid to the glass, sails were tied and all made fast.
And Tyrant Captain of Cat's Paw kept his reputation, as not a bit of grog was passed among the crew! Water and soda were drinks of the day!
Yet me thinks the Tyrant Captain is no such Tyrant, as nary a yell or a holler was heard that day!
At the end of journey, all shanghai'd crew were allowed to leave and take respite upon the land.
The Captain's Guest made their way back to the city and Universe of Columbia. Hopefully, all will fare well and return to sail again upon s/v Cat's Paw!
And that is the end of this tale....