The Wee Captains bid us depart from Block Island after a wild two nights! The first night the good ship Paradox was rafted up, far from the docks! The second night, our ship was brought next to the docks so the electric cord could be extended.
With good weather planned, tho a risk of storms, the Wee Captains bid farewell to Block Island and the fair lasses of Rhode Island! On to Mystic, CT, the ancient home of the Mariner!

And so we went!
It was a hard journey. We were chased by storms the entire way! Make ready the canvas, lest we get wet, cried the Wee Captains!

The Wee Captains, in consultation with the Captains of the other ships, were in a quandry. No-one could take the whole flotilla. They chose to dock at the Mystic River Marina. It was a nice enough place, but the weather was awful! The good ship Paradox was next to last to dock. We arrived in just enough time to tie up before the driving rain came! It was so bad, that we could not see the tip of the boat from the companionway!
The Wee Captains told us to close up ship, real tight! They had plans for us! Work they said! Tidy up! We have captains chores to do! And they went about their Captainly business watching Captain Cailloux! Mr. Mailman was overseeing it all!

The Wee Captains saw that there was a lull in the rain. Their friends from White Caps went to Mystic Pizza (and kindly got takeout for the crew of Paradox). The crew managed to get to the "club room" of the Mystic River Marina where they played with ping pong rackets (no balls) and found an ancient fire-place! The fire-place was just the right size for the Wee Captains to hide inside!
The Wee Captains were not a fan of Mystic! Perhaps, if the rain were not so bad, and if they had seen the Mystic Seaport Museum and Aquarium, they might have thought better of it!
Come morning, the Wee Captains cried in unison: On to Essex! We know we will have fun in Essex!