Greenport! Our start for the sea!
The Wee Captains met their fine ship, Paradox III at the docks in Greenport. Load the boat they cried as the galley slave and winch wench worked to unload the van and move The Wee Captains things onto the great sailing ship.
Tied up we were, to a dock. A public dock at that! Makes me reminisce about sailing days of old....but that is another story!
The wee captains had enough of their long van ride and were anxious to get their sea leg
s under them! But they had reservations at Greenport for 2 nights! So they waited and waited. The first night, they dined at Claudio's with the other captains of the fine ships: Whitecaps, Breathless, Joint Venture, Cat's Paw and with Celerity - The Hummels of great fame!

A good time was had by all!
The next day, the Wee Captains took to the town! Pillage and Burn the town they cried! But they settled for ice-cream at a local establishment. They met Perry and Jean in the town! It was a hot day, but the Wee Captains are hardy men and they stuck it out!
The next day, the Wee Captains took to the town! Pillage and Burn the town they cried! But they settled for ice-cream at a local establishment. They met Perry and Jean in the town! It was a hot day, but the Wee Captains are hardy men and they stuck it out!
The Wee Captains felt sorry for galley slave and winch wench and agreed to lend a hand in carting the land vehicles back to the ship!
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