Aye, The Wee Captains set forth yet again on another cruise. The winch wench at their beck and call. And their humble servant, the galley slave, at their mercy. The Wee Captains provisioned the boat with little grog but much in the way of the Wee Captains Delights: 3 gallons of fresh milk, 6 cartons of parmalot and a case of condensed milk, just in case. Plenty of chips and cookies and mac and cheese! Hot dogs and white american cheese! Grog and slop for the crew!
The Wee Captains bid the galley slave meet the hired captain at the docks and help them shove off. It was an early morn, sunrise in fact, when the galley slave met the hired captain and hired hands at the docks. I gave the keys and the lines to the hired help and bid them farewell! Meet you in Greenport, they said. And they motored off!
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